What Should I Expect?
Sure, we get it… with a name like Spirit Chapel you want to know what you’re in for if you decide to come to a service. Well, it’s probably not what you are thinking. The services are pretty mainstream… We usually sing about three songs, then (on Sunday Morning) the children are sent off to their age appropriate service. Our Pastor will teach from scripture for about 30 minutes. So… what’s different? Well, for one thing, we believe that it pleases God for us to use our creativity… so get ready for a church that believes in modern tech! Three projectors, movie clips in sermon, and a Pastor who is part teacher and part story-teller. Boring, it is not!
What should I wear?
Well, if you are watching on-line feel free to wear whatever you want! But, if you come in person, you probably need to upgrade a little… lose the PJs and bunny slippers. Maybe brush your teeth. However, other than that… be comfortable. Our service is casual. Whatever you wear to school or to a casual day at work is fine.
What are the other people like?
They are a lot like you, probably. We don’t do the “judge everyone who walks through the door” thing. Jesus loves you. That’s good enough for us. We’re looking forward to meeting you!